From Stephanie Weisberg Delmont:
Aloha, while trying to locate Boyd Hunter's current whereabouts I found his obituary on line. I just googled Boyd Hunter and added Michigan as that was where he had lived prior to coming to Calif., and found an obituary for him. I believe he had been living in Marin county prior to his death. Like Michelle Lea, I had participated in Boyd's movie. We also went to horror movies several times in Oakland at night- two white kids from the burbs' totally unaware that we were maybe out of place. We weren't - a fan is a fan.
From Gilmore Van Stone
During grammar school and high school Boyd Hunter and I spent 7 or 8 years with the Junior Dramatures and the Dramatures of Lafayette. We were also with the Orinda players; a musical group and did West Side Story and the Fantasts. After a performance Boyd and I would kill a fifth of Cutty Stark. He also turned me into Judy Garland fan. Boyd went on to Yale University. We were great friends and I miss him.